Do i need to be technical to be successful home based online marketing entrepreneur?

Well, This is from my personnel experience, Many of my prospective client asks me this question and i simply reply with smile that, NO, You do not need to be tech savvy to be successful home based online marketing entrepreneur but What you need is to know how to type with a computer and how to log on to the Internet to surf!

Now a days, this is the biggest challenge to any entrepreneur to starting an Online Marketing, How much technical knowledge required to start the home based online marketing business ?

Today’s world is depended on open source technology and you can also gather required knowledge by just surfing for few minutes on internet.There are free of cost available video’s online to learn any technical part too.

Believe me, I am not technical person but today i know many things by experiment and reading. I am managing my personnel website,doing required changes and updates regularly, Writing and sharing my day to day activities etc..

If you are aware with few of the major used social media sites, Blog sites, Promotional sites, MS Office, Internet surfing then you are ready to go.

You can use available desktop publishing software to create newsletters, magazines, books, personnel blogs or even marketing materials. You can create the content for your home based online marketing business, or you can pay a writer to create the content for you. Alternatively, you can advertise your Online marketing services.

