What Are Affirmations And Do They Really Work?

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” —William James

What we think about, we bring about.

Affirmations are positive phrases that will become truth when repeated and imbedded into the subconscious mind.  It has been shown that each individual has about 50,000 thoughts per day or in another words, anywhere from 150 to 300 thoughts in a given minute.  It has also been researched that many people have daily thoughts that are 80% negative.

When a person continuously repeats negative thoughts and words regarding events and situations in their life, they ultimately create undesirable and negative situations.  Words are powerful and they can destroy or build up one’s self-worth.

Most of the 50,000 plus thoughts a day are subconscious and what affirmation do is bring subconscious thoughts into conscious awareness.  Thoughts default into a negative pattern when people are not alert and aware of stimuli that enters their mind.

Affirmations will help you think positively and avoid the pitfalls of allowing yourself to fall into a rut.

Some great examples of affirmations are:

“I feel terrific”
“I am a Money Magnet”
“I am happy and healthy”
“I have tons of energy”
“I am embraced in the light of love”
“I am successful in all I do”
“I have a satisfying career”

My own is “I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise, and I attract those who are the same”.

This may feel weird when you first start, trust me, persevere.  When you begin your day with affirmations, experts say that it has a positive impact on you physically as well as emotionally.  Energy is breathed into life through positive affirmations and a person’s talent, strengths, skills and overall abilities are increased.  The mind is a powerful and effective tool and what is generated in the mind usually instructs the body to follow suit.

When positive phrases are repeated constantly and you focus on the things you CAN do (instead of your weaknesses), it becomes easier to resist feelings of anxiety that can hinder your success, and you will be on the path to achieving your ultimate goal.

Positive affirmation can and will:

  1. Raise your spirit.
  2. Fill your body and mind with energy.
  3. Relieve anxiety and stress.
  4. Increase motivation.
  5. Remove unhealthy and undesirable habits.

When positive affirmations are repeating throughout the day, you are generating positive thoughts and are better equipped to achieve your goals.  In addition, when you shift your thinking toward the positive, you are opening up the opportunity to bring positive people and situations into your life.  You are in effect raising your vibrations.

The subconscious part of the mind accepts what it believes to be true, so to attract positive situations into your life, try speaking (out loud and silently) with majority of positive statements and you will surely see positive results.

A fresh and positive outlook on life, a smile on your face and a stress free aura are all traits of a successful business person.  Are you ready to ‘Release Your Inner Preneur’ and rock your business online?

How has your experience with affirmations been?  I know that when I use them regularly I deal with challenges in a more positive and effective way. I deal with my children’s tantrums much better!!  Share in the comments below.

To Your Success

An Internet Marketing Lesson I Learned From My 3 Year Old Daughter

Last weekend I was watching my 3 year old daughter Amelia draw a picture on our chalk board, with a little help from her 20150321_155515_resized-202x300brother!

Trying to decipher the finished drawing that had lines and circles, I asked ‘is that our garden sweetheart?’

With a shake of her head and in seriousness said… ‘no mummy, this is you, daddy and Angus; and this is daddy’s name.’

This got me thinking about being an online marketer.
What we see is not what everyone else sees.

There is a great lesson to be learned here. The lesson applies very well to Internet marketing. Actually it applies well to ANY kind of marketing, it doesn’t necessarily have to be on the internet.

We have a tendency to come up with an idea that we think is the greatest thing since sliced bread. We’re absolutely convinced that everybody will beat a path to our door to buy our product. We spend lots of money to develop a sales campaign, build a website, buy advertising and so on, and spend a lot of time and effort to draw people to our website, get good search engine positioning, and then more often than not we’re disappointed because very few people buy our products.

Could it be that the marketplace doesn’t care about our product?

Does that hurt your ego? It shouldn’t. It should open your eyes to this very simple, but wildly profound truth.


Big companies spend millions of dollars on market research, testing and surveys before they ever spend any money in developing a product or marketing a product. Doesn’t it make sense that before we ever spend a dime on any kind of product development, website development or whatever that we should spend some time first to find out what people are buying, when do they buy, and how do they buy?

That’s why when I entered this industry I looked around at all the products online, even some shiny objects, but ended up partnering with a company who had already put the money, time and effort into product creation, sales and delivery.

I didn’t look at what I wanted. I looked at what was going to help solve the problems of people I would market to.

How well do you know your Avatar? Your target audience? By doing proper research in advance, you’ll save yourself a lot of wasted time and effort, and you’ll be rewarded many times over by successful money making offers. If you actually had a band of products that suited that Avatar wouldn’t that make life easier?

As you consider what kind of offers you will be marketing, keep in mind the lesson learned from a 3 year old :)

Easier, Faster, Better …

Living in this digital age, aren’t things supposed to be faster, better and easier?
You can pay your bills online and not have to go to the bank.
You can buy your movie tickets long before you even get to the theater!
Hell, you can even parallel park your car with no hands, now!
But, if things are faster, better and easier with that – shouldn’t making money be the same way?
I understand that this industry, the online marketing industry, is plagued with products that offer the world but don’t deliver.
That’s why the industry still has a 90% failure rate and makes those who actually make money seem destined.
I’m here to tell you that destiny has nothing to do with it. You have it in you to do what the “big boys” can do.
And right here, right now, this is your chance.
Vote: faster, better and easier way. A short video that breaks it down, I would be lost without it.
To Your Success

How’s Your Balancing Act?

Don’t we wish that there was a single, set formula that would outline a plan on how to “balance” our lives?

Sorry, it is basically a personal choice on how you choose to balance a career, love life, children and social events, but we have offered you some important tips to make this decision easier that will make everyone happy.

Creating and sticking to boundarieslife-balance-work

Creating boundaries, especially when you work from home is challenging, because it is easy to get distracted from your work knowing that there are dirty dishes in the sink, laundry that needs to be folded and dinners to prepare.

Placing boundaries around yourself and your workspace is similar to drawing an invisible line encircling you and your work station that will protect you from constant outside influences that may cause a distraction.

When you set limits, you are basically stated what is non-acceptable behavior from others. Without having firm boundaries in place, it becomes increasing difficult to delegate work to family members and to saying “no” when the questions of “where are my shoes”, “can I go to Kathy’s”, “what’s for dinner”, “when will you be done”. Remember, setting and sticking to boundaries are an important component to having a balanced family and work life.

Scheduling and Planning

To achieve a balanced lifestyle, you need to plan quite time/relaxation into your day or you will burn out very quickly. Remember to have lunch and schedule a 15 minute walk around the block as this helps to clear your head so you can be more productive.

Have a large calendar, in a central location that has assigned chores for every family member clearly outlined.

Eventually you will burn out as an entrepreneur, spouse and parent if you do not take care of yourself. Positive affirmations are a way to keep your mind positive. Yoga is another way to keep your body in shape and help you to relax. When you schedule time away from your busy schedule, then your business, personal and family life will all benefit tremendously.

Build a Support Network

There is no shame in asking for assistance, in fact it is vital to achieve a balanced home and work life.

Having children pitch in with household chores, recruit neighbors and friend to help car pool kids around to activities.

Always have a contingency plan in place as emergencies are inevitable.

Let Go of Guilt

Guilt is wasted emotional energy because it keeps you from getting ahead; it can sabotage your efforts to become successful.

When you spend time with your family, focus on them and don’t think about work related issues. Have a scheduled “date night” with your spouse. These small yet important rituals will be and instrument, not a hindrance, to your overall success.

Be Flexible

It is important that you do not be too hard on yourself when everything on your “to do” list doesn’t get done. You need to have a flexible attitude and schedule, especially when there are children in the household and things can change at a moment’s notice. Negotiation is a great skill of a flexible person.

How are you balancing your life? What have you implemented? Have you had to give something up? How do you feel about how things are going right now?

Comment below, if you have a challenge or a win, we would love to hear about it.

To Your Success

How To Live A Richer Life – Starting Now!


If you’ve ever missed out on opportunities…sabotaged successes…gotten angry and frustrated at something you do… and then found yourself doing it again…then you would know how much it hurts and understand the burning need for change.


The good news is you’re as little as 90 seconds away from proving to yourself that you can reclaim your future.

You don’t have to get caught up in that vicious cycle of pain and frustration– you can break the chain.Untitled112

All you need to do is actively decide and believe that you can create MORE and better; and outflank the problem.

Now take massive action!

Picture being able to regain control of your time, and your life, and your happiness… so you can turn what you want into what you can get, and then take action… so you can leap into your self-chosen future, and see that you have turned what you can get into what you have.

Because, fast forward into the future, when those friends who used to laugh at you quietly ask you—

“What happened to you?

You’ll grin… and tell them this:

It began with a decision — your decision — to take action, and to change. You got serious, you got the resource you were missing, and then you did what you needed to do.

How good would it feel to laugh like someone on top of the world… as you dig in to feasting on this real control and power you are now wielding over your life?

What new possibilities would you start to give yourself?

Decide now…and watch the magic happen.

You’ll be glad you did.

To Your Success

Free Webinar: How To Leverage Facebook To Grow Your Business

Please join me for a special training session this Thursday March 5th at 9pm EST with Michelle & Bill Pescosolido.  You arefacebook-marketing-leverage not going to want to miss this!

Michelle & Bill are going to share the exact Facebook marketing formula that has helped them skyrocket their online marketing business.  They’ll share the formula that has generated over $516,755 in just one of their ventures within in 12 months.

Register Through This Link: http://nomoremoneypain.com/free-prescosolido-facebook-ads-marketing-webinar

Again, you absolutely do not want to miss this!  Michelle is known as the Facebook girl for a reason.

People have paid hundreds and even thousands of dollars to learn Facebook marketing strategies from Michelle & Bill Prescosolido, but you’ll have the unique opportunity to get that same knowledge absolutely free.

Thursday, 5 March, 9.00pm (USA) EST
Friday, 6 March,  2.00am (London) GMT / 1.00pm (Sydney) AEDT

Register Here Now! 

Let me know when you’ve registered so we can connect after the webinar to arrange a ‘training session after the webinar’ and put some marketing into practice to grow your business.

To Your Success

Fast Cash For Slow Times


Have you ever felt that when it comes to making money online, time just doesn’t seem to be on your side?
Sure, there’s lots of stuff out there which is good in the long run but takes too long to do when you’re just getting started and your bank account is just desperate for a pick-me-up.
That’s why I want to share something you can use immediately!
Not tomorrow. Not next week.
Check out this Freeebook now.
Everything is laid out for you in a simple and easy-to-understand way.And the best part is: you get top earners coaching you through! Loads of resources, done-for-you online franchise.Sweet.
I loved the set up so much I became a Traffic Coach with Matt. So yes, you’ll get me as well.
Want more information,fill in your details so we can have a chat.
To Your Success

Top 7 Takeaways from Traffic and Conversion Summit

I have been following Pamela Bruner for some time as I am a huge fan of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and also love the way she communicates.

Pamela Bruner attended the Traffic  and Conversion Summit in San Diego recently and shared her Top 7 Tips for improving Traffic and Conversion.

1) You can’t improve what you can’t measure.

Know your numbers: profit, loss, expenses, conversions, etc. (Hint: If you don’t know what all these words mean, I sympathize!) At least start by tracking your conversions: for every 10 sales conversations that you have, how many clients do you book?

2) Test, test, test.
What worked a few months may not work now. You have to always be testing – testing your marketing language, testing your sales conversations, testing your graphics. The bad news is that you can’t rely on what worked before. The good news is that if you take this approach, you become much less troubled by failure.

3) Get people to listen when you ask them to act.
After someone opts in for your free gift online (you do have a freebie, right?) your first instruction should be ‘whitelist this address so you get our emails’. When they do, they’ve now accepted that you can invite them to take action, and they’ll take it. And your emails will now get through!

4) Building a list is no good unless you monetize it.
There is a lot of talk about ‘the money is in the list’. I love that Ryan Deiss said ‘there is no money in your list, the money is in your ability to monetize your list.’ This is in alignment with what I teach about creating a high-ticket package, and learning to sell it, before you grow a list.

5) The biggest mistake you can make after connecting with someone, either in person or online, is to fail to follow up.
Don’t believe that others will follow up with you, take the initiative. Don’t start building a list, or go networking and collect cards, unless you’re prepared to follow up.

6) The biggest hurdle we need to overcome is our potential client’s doubt in themselves.
Often people will believe in you, but not believe in themselves. They won’t purchase from you if they don’t believe in their ability to get the transformation you provide.

7) You will never have enough information to finish something before you start it.
While planning is important, you can get stuck in ‘forever planning’ mode if you try to figure out everything from the beginning to the end. Get an initial plan, and get started. You can course-correct as you go.

To find out more about Pamela Bruner, please visit her site: www.MakeYourSuccessReal.com

I hope these tips help you blast your business forward.  Share you successes and challenges in generating traffic and getting conversions in the comments below.  So don’t get stuck in the details, take action!

To Your Success

The Great Rat Race Escape

Wouldn’t it be great if you could escape the path you are on, and start living the life you have always wanted?
Well, here’s a new path you will have to see for yourself, before you can even begin to accept it’s there.
Live Like The Wealthy
Think of it as your personal roll call: to break away from the direction that you are headed in Because once you can see your future change in front of you – quitting your day job; debts wiped clean; all worries fading away…
You will then begin to understand that it’s all therefor the taking With a future of corporate slavery to the left, and playboy freedom to the right…
The choice becomes clear.
Only you can decide how badly you want it.
And whether you are willing to seize the opportunity while it is still there…
To Your Success

Dealing with Negative Nellies

At one time or another, we have to deal with negative influences.  You know the people…the ones that are discouraging you from your ultimate goal.

Here are a few ways to deal with “negative nellies” in a positive manner.  The important thing to remember is that your attackers are acting negative and hostile because they are jealous and attempting to destroy someone else’s somehow makes themselves feel better.  Their actions are more about THEM than about YOU.


Sometimes people that arePerson-Interrupted challenging your vision and play “devil’s advocate” are truly interested and perhaps jealous of your courage and determination.  By telling them your well thought out plan, you may be able to sway them toward your side.  Remember, people are watching and secretly hoping that you will succeed.

Naysayers can be a great motivational source because by outside influences saying that you won’t or can’t achieve your goal, makes many entrepreneurs strive harder to prove them wrong.

Germs are known to strength the immune system and when you view naysayers like germs who will strengthen your determination, you will see that your purpose will be greater than any negative words.  We need these type of people in our lives to test the depth of our passion.


Somettalk to the hand - business womanime there is no way to talk to someone that are “set in their ways” and are unable to see beyond their limit.  In these types of situations, it just best to ignore these types of people to retain your peace of mind.  Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and you will achieve your goals.

A negative person will drain your positive energy and they feed on your reaction and defensiveness, so simply ignore them and leave the room if necessary.


There are going to be times when you are confronted with someone who just isn’t going to get your lifestyle and there is no convincing them otherwise.  It is best to simply focus on your goal instead of wasting valuable time and energy trying to convince them otherwise.  Once you success, that will be enough proof to put any argument and naysayers to rest, as actions have always spoken louder than words.


Image there is a bright light surrounding you that will keep you protected from negativity, like a force field.  Try it; I assure you, this type of imagery works.

Besides imagery, it is important to be secure in what you plan to do and when you do, dealing with negative influences in a positive manner becomes easier.


In the journey of life, you will have to confront a naysayer or two because not everyone is going to believe, support or understand the decisions that are best for you.

You must keep a steady flow of positive energy to be ahead of the doubt that any naysayer may attempt to plant in your brain.

Right now be encouraged to be more powerful and stronger than the fear that is brought about by negative nellies.

Do not listen to fear disguised as negativity and use your energy to focus each day on learning something new and being the best you can be.


Let me know your experiences.  Leave a comment below.

To Your Success